Seguros e Proteção para Você

Netuno Administradora e Corretora de Seguros LTDA

Confiança e segurança em cada apólice oferecida.

Consultoria Especializada

Oferecemos suporte completo para suas necessidades.

Proteja seu futuro com nossos planos.

Segurança em Saúde

Planos de Saúde
Seguros de Vida

Sobre a Netuno Administradora

A Netuno Administradora e Corretora de Seguros LTDA, fundada em 1992, atua em seguros, previdência e saúde, com compromisso e seriedade na proteção dos nossos clientes.

A white water tower with the text 'Burns & Wilcox' is prominently displayed against a clear blue sky. The tower is surrounded by tree branches with budding leaves, and an American flag is mounted on the tower.
A white water tower with the text 'Burns & Wilcox' is prominently displayed against a clear blue sky. The tower is surrounded by tree branches with budding leaves, and an American flag is mounted on the tower.



Confiabilidade e experiência

Ativo e dedicado

Nossos Serviços

Oferecemos soluções em seguros e previdência para proteger o que é mais importante para você.

Consultoria em Seguros

Ajudamos você a escolher o seguro ideal para suas necessidades e garantir sua tranquilidade.

A quiet street scene features a row of brick buildings, including the GHM Insurance Agency. The street is lined with sidewalks adorned with colorful flowers in planters. An American flag is mounted on a lamppost, and across the street are more brick buildings with architectural details. A few cars are parked along the street.
A quiet street scene features a row of brick buildings, including the GHM Insurance Agency. The street is lined with sidewalks adorned with colorful flowers in planters. An American flag is mounted on a lamppost, and across the street are more brick buildings with architectural details. A few cars are parked along the street.
Planos de Previdência

Desenvolvemos planos de previdência personalizados para assegurar um futuro financeiro estável e seguro.

A modern multi-story office building with a distinctive wavy architectural design. The facade is made predominantly of glass and metal, with an array of vertical and horizontal lines creating a grid-like pattern. There are signs for 'National Insurance' and 'Parking 24x7' visible in multiple languages. The structure appears robust and industrial.
A modern multi-story office building with a distinctive wavy architectural design. The facade is made predominantly of glass and metal, with an array of vertical and horizontal lines creating a grid-like pattern. There are signs for 'National Insurance' and 'Parking 24x7' visible in multiple languages. The structure appears robust and industrial.

Avaliações Clientes

Veja o que nossos clientes dizem sobre nossos serviços de seguros.

A Netuno sempre me atendeu com profissionalismo e atenção. Recomendo seus serviços a todos que buscam segurança e confiança.

Mariana Silva
A person wearing a colorful face mask and a red and blue jacket is standing in front of a glass door. They have one hand raised, pressing against a sticker that reads 'Lloyd’s of London' and mentions environmental and social issues. Two police officers in uniform and masks are positioned nearby.
A person wearing a colorful face mask and a red and blue jacket is standing in front of a glass door. They have one hand raised, pressing against a sticker that reads 'Lloyd’s of London' and mentions environmental and social issues. Two police officers in uniform and masks are positioned nearby.

São Paulo

A experiência com a Netuno foi excepcional. Profissionais competentes e sempre prontos para ajudar. Sinto-me seguro com a proteção que eles oferecem.

A tall, sharp-tipped skyscraper with the text 'Latino Seguros' is framed by dark shapes in the foreground against a clear blue sky.
A tall, sharp-tipped skyscraper with the text 'Latino Seguros' is framed by dark shapes in the foreground against a clear blue sky.
Carlos Mendes

São Paulo



A Netuno Administradora e Corretora de Seguros LTDA está situada em São Paulo, oferecendo serviços de corretagem de seguros e previdência.


Para correspondência:
Netuno Administradora e Corretora de Seguros LTDA CNPJ: 67.640.094/0001-34 Telefone(s): (11) 3223-6749
Rua Ribeiro de Barros 187 Conj 122
Vila Anglo Brasileira
São Paulo SP


Seg a Sex